MICE Latvia

MICE Latvia

For travellers, the best thing about Latvia is that it is so compact. Its 500 km of sandy beaches are easily reached from historical towns, where medieval hanseatic foundations support baroque and art nouveau buildings, that become venues for cultural festivals during the summer. Families of storks happily give their seal of approval to the unspoilt nature, fresh air and clean water around them. In addition to Riga, its spectacular gateway, there are 6 other UNESCO world heritage listed sites. A

Medieval Vilnius

Medieval Vilnius

The Old Town of the capital of Lithuania is a storehouse of architectural masterpieces of the past centuries. There amazing baroque towers are combined with numerous historic buildings of various styles. Right in the street the tourists change into medieval clothes. Then they are divided into groups and several teams of "enemies" compete in search of treasures using mysterious ancient maps. The search finishes in a small restaurant, where the winners strut along the red carpet, after drinking a glass

Marina Golf Club

Marina Golf Club

The complex of the Marina Golf Club is inspired by the character of the Scandinavian style, forming an architectural unity, which consists of three synchronized hotel wings: residential, recreational and conference. At every step, the quiet interiors remind one of a golf theme, while the range of facilities and awaiting opportunities to actively spend time in and nearby the hotel, leave no doubt as to the direction for your next trip. Marina SPA will take you into the world of deep relaxation

Amber Museum

Amber Museum

This art depository was inaugurated in 1979, to become Russia’s first and only Amber Museum. Located in the center of Kaliningrad on the Verkhneye Lake shore, it is housed in a fortress tower "Dona" dating from the mid-nineteenth century. The tower was built in 1853 in the Neo-Gothic style as a part of the city defense system – its construction was supervised by Ernst Ludwig von Aster, commander of the Engineering Corps and the person, who had engineered Konigsberg’s mighty

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