Amber Museum
1, Marshal Vasilevsky Square, Kaliningrad , 236016,
Phone: +7 401 246 65 50

This art depository was inaugurated in 1979, to become Russia’s first and only Amber Museum. Located in the center of Kaliningrad on the Verkhneye Lake shore, it is housed in a fortress tower "Dona" dating from the mid-nineteenth century.
The tower was built in 1853 in the Neo-Gothic style as a part of the city defense system – its construction was supervised by Ernst Ludwig von Aster, commander of the Engineering Corps and the person, who had engineered Konigsberg’s mighty fortifications. The tower was named after the Prussian General-Field Marshal Friedrich Karl Dohna, who had participated in the liberation war against Napoleon’s invasion. The building is also a monument of the Second World War.
The Amber Museum is a one-mineral treasury. The Museum exposition occupies three floors with a total space of 1,000 square meters. Thematically, it consists of two sections: one is devoted to science – natural history and geology and the other – to history and culture.
Amber is fossilized resin of ancient conifers that grew more than 40 million years ago on the territory of modern south of the Scandinavian Peninsula and adjoining part of the Baltic Sea bed.
In the scientific part of the exposition amber samples of different weight, colour, clarity are presented. In exposition are the biggest “sunstone” in Russia weighing 4.28 kilograms.
The section of culture and history presents amber adornments and household items from the Neolithic age (4000 – 2000 BC.) till nowadays. In museum there are artifacts found on Kaliningrad region territory while digging the monument of II-V centuries of AD that was the time of intensive trade contacts toward Rome Empire.
A special expositional complex is dedicated to the Konigsberg State Amber Manufactory that had worked from 1926 to 1945. And Kaliningrad Amber Combine was opened in 1947, it is the only factory in the world with a full production cycle of amber extraction and treatment.
A large part of the Museum exposition consists of art works of contemporary artists from Russia, Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the USA. There are jewelry, sculptures and exclusive household items among them. Today Museum is one of the most interesting cultural places of the city. Its collection consists of more than 16 000 units of storage.
Amber Museum - unique venue for business meetings and historic quests.