
News & Events

Theme Events in Salt Mine

Theme Events in Salt Mine

The unique and exclusive program operating along the new Miners’ Route which main objective is to integrate the participants. The group dressed in special overalls and equipped with mining equipment such as a lamp, an absorber and a helmet is accompanied by guides. They wander through the underground excavations and explore areas of the mine which haven’t  been made accessible to tourists yet. The guides teach the participants, in an unconventional and funny manner,  some of the secrets of the mining profession creating at the same time an extraordinary atmosphere and climate among the members of the team.

Kopalnia Soli

The participants of the expedition learn how to use professional equipment and perform everyday mining activities. The young adepts of the mining craft use their newly gained skills during an underground rescue mission and the knowledge on the techniques of salt mining for processing salt all by themselves.  Typical miner’s meal, stylised photo of the team are integral part of the expedition.

Overcoming the difficulties together enhances creativity, develops  decision making skills and unites the members of the team. Expedition Program: Wieliczka will brilliantly complement a company meeting or a team-building event.

Guests are always welcome in the Grand Sal**** Hotel to rest in comfortable rooms and dine in exclusive hotel restaurant. A group of up to 48 participants can also spend  the night in the undergrounds of the Wieliczka mine, in the Slowacki Chamber.



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